About Susan

Author, Speaker, and Retired Teacher
Susan Berg Heeg on her 70th Birthday

My Story

I dedicated myself for 34 years to children as a teacher of 3rd graders, children with learning disabilities, or children with behavior disorders. I am now retired from the career I loved. I received many nominations for the Those Who Excel Award from the state of Illinois, the Chicago area Golden Apple award, the Disney Teacher’s Award, and as a most influential educator by the seniors in Naperville, IL District 203.


As an author and member of the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, I have given presentations at  conventions and was honored by the Illinois Reading Association at a luncheon for Illinois authors.  

My first book, Voyage to Victory: The Voice of a Sailor in the Pacific 1943-1945, grew from a collection of letters my dad wrote to the members of his family during World War II. While researching for my book, I collected many WWII artifacts. A Jan./Feb.1943 Superman comic book with Superman helping the U.S. Navy in the Pacific began my collection. The letters and my artifacts led to presentations for schools, churches, veteran’s groups, libraries, senior living facilities, and conferences. This book and research also led me to think of the fear and experiences my dad and other servicemen and women in war must survive with the reality of death all around them. Those thoughts began my exploration of how my dad found his way with his faith in God to get through the war. It also brought me to see God’s work in my own life of difficulties. Thus, a second book was born.

My greatest desire is that all will find God’s song in their souls and the joy and peace that only God can give even in the most difficult situations of life. This is my newest book. For information on book talks about God’s Song in Your Soul: Keys to Finding Joy in the Midst of Difficulties – A Devotional Journey, let me know in the contact information.

I have recently won a contest by being included in an anthology produced by Christian Writers for Life. The book is Mother: What I Learned from My Mother about Life, Love, and Faith.  If you are interested in purchasing that book, it is available on Amazon.com or you can contact me under Contacts.

My life has been a roller coaster, but God has been with me throughout the ups and the downs.  Such a blessing!!

Personal Life

I was born in Minnesota to wonderful Christian parents. Our family moved several times due to my dad’s job. The last move was to Michigan where we moved when I was going to be a senior in high school. Not the best timing. However, every place we made new friends through school or church, and now I have friends all over the country. I went to Augustana College in Rock Island, IL for my undergrad degree in elementary education. Then later in life, I attended National College of Education in Evanston, IL where I received my Masters of Science in Special Education. 

Married to the most wonderful man, David Heeg, life has been a blessing. I also have two loving stepsons, David Jr. with his wife, Andrea, and Jason Sr. with his wife, Mish. I am  blessed with six grandchildren who have brought me a bounty of activities, laughs, hugs, and love… Kathryn, David III, Andrew, Jason Jr., Anthony, and Emma.

Hobbies include some gardening over the years, reading of course, and making picture books of the grandkids’ lives. I love visiting Sanibel Island, FL in the winter for a couple of weeks. Since I read my dad’s letters from the war, I have been a World War II collector of anything he mentioned about the homefront.

My DNA tests show that I am of 100% Norwegian descent. Even my cousins in Norway cannot claim that. I have visited Norway twice in my life and love to carry on some of the Norwegian traditions passed down from my relatives.

I am a Christian who loves the Lord, attends church and Bible studies, leads a Martha Circle for women from our church, is a member of our benevolence team, sings in choir, and depends on God every day of my life to help me care about others as much as He cares for me. Such a blessing!

All of that said, life for me has not been easy. God doesn’t guarantee ease in life, but He has said He will be with us through our difficult and great times. My newest book which will be coming out will delve into how to find joy in the midst of difficulties.


As human beings, when all is going right, we sometimes don’t reach out to God as much as we do in hard times. Joy is not simply happiness. It is not a feeling. What is joy in the Lord? It is knowledge in your heart. It is peace and confidence that God is with you and in control no matter what you are going through in life. God’s song deep in your soul is the joy and peace you find when you know the Lord in good or bad times.

Susan Berg Heeg
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