God's Song in Your Soul

Welcome ALL!! I am an author of two books. The first is a look at World War II and the Homefront through my Dad’s letters to family at home. Thinking of the experiences in the Pacific led me to wonder about all he went through during the war. I know he endured this tough time through his faith and with God’s song in his soul. Voyage to Victory: The Voice of a Sailor in the Pacific 1943-1945  is described and available for purchase under the Books tab at the top of this page.

 My newest book is about my own journey in finding God’s keys to joy in the midst of pain. It is entitled God’s Song in Your Soul: Keys to Finding Joy in the Midst of Difficulties -A Devotional Journey. Would you like to trust in the Lord’s goodness and find peace, joy, and hope as you are going through the tough times of life? God is there with you!  HE IS! HE IS! You are able to purchase an ebook or a paperback on https://www.amazon.com/dp/BOBGN97SMF or go to Amazon and type in Susan Heeg.  The picture of the book shown on here should pop up.  Click it and you will have options for buying it in ebook or paperback form.  If you do and are touched by it, please circle back when you finish to the same Amazon page to leave a review.  The reviews are at the bottom on the whole page with my book at the top.  Just write what you feel. That would be so encouraging and helpful to get the book to strangers.  If you feel led, tell others about God’s Song in Your Soul. Thank you so very much! 

 I would still like to offer you the chance to learn more about World War II and the Homefront. I am a collector of WWII artifacts. I would love to share the history and show you the artifacts through short videos FOR FREE. If you give me your email through following the button below, I will send you the links to videos as they become available. In this series of short 10 minute videos, I will share a few of Dad’s letters and the history of the artifacts and the homefront during the war. Feel free to share this website and free offer with anyone who may be interested in history… teachers, homeschoolers, friends, etc. Thank you!

A Word From The Author

You may find this an odd picture for me to place on my author website. To me, it gives me peace. This is Great Lakes Military Cemetery where my dad and mom are buried in Holly, Michigan. The picture was taken by Mike Mishler from Lincat Photography. Mike gave me permission to use the photo, which I found on the cemetery Facebook page. As you can see, a portion of this beautiful picture has become the cover to my book. Thank you, Mike Mishler!! My mom and dad have died, but I have peace in my soul that they are with God in Heaven. Do you see the cross in the sky above the military graves formed by the sun and clouds? I know from the faith Mom and Dad had that they are in Heaven.  When I saw this picture right after we buried my mom, it was a nudge from God that.. Yes Susan. Your Mom and Dad are truly with me in paradise. I am very thankful knowing this. The picture also gave me joy that I will see them again. The picture ties together my two books… one of Dad’s service in the military and one of my own journey to find peace and joy with God.  I am thankful!

Susan Berg Heeg
Author and Speaker.

Bjorn-Inge Aurdal    (Missionary to Young Adults in Iceland)

Susan Berg Heeg's devotional journey, God’s Song in Your Soul, is nothing short of a gem. I have been encouraged to the core by how God is with us through our highs and lows and how our story can be a blessing to the body of believers.

Pastor Andy Morgan (Former Founding Pastor of River Valley Community Church, Aurora,  IL)

In God’s Song in Your Soul, Susan Berg Heeg shares her story... but a story to which most of us can relate. How her life was like a house that weathered many storms, some that were self-induced and those that came up out of nowhere. However, the house kept standing, because it was on a firm foundation.

Sharon Hughes (Retired Teacher)
Sharon Hughes

Susan Berg Heeg's Voyage to Victory: The Voice of a Sailor in the Pacific 1943-1945 gives readers a realistic view of everyday life of a sailor during WWII. Her father, Donald Berg, writes letters that are heartwarming. What a wonderful voice he uses to members of his family as he writes about his struggles and experiences during WWII in the Pacific!

Susan's First Book

  Voyage to Victory: The Voice of a Sailor in the Pacific 1943-1945

(For purchase, please use the Books tab at the top of this page to take you to my purchase page. Thanks so much.)

Mother  is a great book for new mothers or mothers raising children to read examples of how other mothers have inspired their children. 

Others have purchased this book for their own mother and have written a story on the inside cover of how their own mom influenced their life, love, or faith. 

       Inspiring  Anthologies

I have been honored by having my short stories chosen in contests to be included in these three anthologies from Christian Writers for Life. To order any of these books, please contact me at susanbergheegauthor@gmail.com. The books are normally about $18 on Amazon, but you can buy it from me and get it signed to someone for $17.00 and free shipping. Each and every story in these books is written by an award-winning author who will make you laugh, make you cry, or inspire your soul.  

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